Saturday, February 02, 2008

Big Cook - Take Two

So the other day I posted on my adoption blog ( preparing for a bigger family) how I tried to “cook large”. .. Cook multiple meals to be frozen, etc. …and although it was a partial success, I made a fatal error…. Not trying out the recipes first! My food critics did not like them….would not eat them and I was left with a freezer full of them. Sigh…

So today was Big Cook part deux. Learn from your mistakes. Before I had used a book to get ideas, 30 Day Gourmet..and although it had some good ideas, the recipes left much to be desired. (Sorry, don’t man to insult, but my family just did not like them. )

So I had bumped into the co-author of the book, Big Cook,, on one of my adoption forums…and ordered that book.

It came this week. And I love it, the layout, the ideas, great photos of the recipes, and it looks like recipes that my family might like.

So today, I pulled out my new Cuisinart and after grocery shopping, (and stopping off at the theatre to watch Bucket List) I started cooking.

What I realized, or more accurately, remembered, is I actually enjoy cooking. I love the whole recipe, chopping, cooking, creating thing of cooking. I just don’t like it at 6 pm, with kids under foot, tired from a days work and everyone on the edge of hungry-grouchies. But, in the right timeframe and environment, I truly enjoy it. So I put on my ruffled apron and went to town. J

I made five recipes but only nights dinner of each. This week I will have the kid tested, and any that pass, will go on the list for a BIG COOK day. I seriously think, once I get my bevy of recipes, this will work for us and be an answer from God on my whole meal/organization thing. Something I have been New Year’s “resoluting” and praying about for two years.

So I am sitting here, sipping my “White Christmas” tea that I bought in SF with my good friend Rebecca, feeling pretty good with the world. J

It is funny how the little things can make such a different. (The little foxes spoil the grapes.) Sometimes, (dare I say most times) it is the details, the small things where the difference is made. Reminds me of the verse about God not being in the earthquake or the fire, but in the whisper. ….God and I have been whispering all day. J I love Him!

Footnote: How did it go. My family tested the first recipe tonight. 2 ½ out of 4 liked it…so not a 4 star…but I am not discouraged. I am glad I don’t have a freezer full of it and will keep on trying.

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