Friday, November 14, 2008

Football and Taco Cassarole

We had the BEST night tonight. A close friend invited us to the Junior Varsity Football game at our local highschool. Her son plays and this was the last game of the year. I packed up all three kids, dressed in blue and red, pompoms in tow. and they all experienced their first football game.
We stayed for the Varsity game and it was awesome. ..... The band was just too cool, glitter on their uniforms, tall hats with feathers bobbing, smooth steps and cool music. It brought highschool all back to me, the fun part, and was so exciting to see my kids experience it for the first time. And the game was close...first one team ahead, then the other, back and forth until the last two minutes, the winning touch down..and then an interception. We were all on our feed going wild.
Blankets, corn dogs, popcorn, pompoms...little boys playing mock games on the side lines and Mary trying to imitate the cheerleaders.
Flat out fun!
Then at home, I had made a new recipe, a Taco Cassarole, before the game. We did not have time to eat before the I heated up four bowls full and we sat around the table, gobbling it up and reviewing the wonderful night! AND..thay ALLLLLL loved the new recipe..which you know is a BIG WIN at my house.
So the Folsom Bulldogs won, and so did I. A great night.

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