Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Passing it on....

I was reading in Phil 4:9 this morning.....

Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me or seen in me -- put it into practice....

learned from
received from ...put into practice
heard from
seen in

And I thought..what have my children seen in me? I know I use lots of words with them, but what have they seen in me? Anything worthy of receiving, of imitating? That would stick with them?

What have they received from me? I am giving out..are they receiving? Am I giving out the right things? Am I giving out effectively?

What are they learning? What are they hearing? my tone, content, delivery, expression?
What are they overhearing?

What is it that I am deliberately and undeliberately passing on to them? And is one overriding the other?

It made me think of that old song from my youth.....Pass it on..

It only takes a spark to get a fire going... And that is true of both a good spark, of love and devotion to God and each other, or a bad spark of anger and bad feelings. (We talk about at home, when a situation is getting a little heated, do we come along and pour water on it or gasoline....)

I have to realize my little sparks are passed on and be aware of what kind of spark I want to pass. As I thought again of the words to that old song, they rang true. God's love, filling my heart, can be passed on to my children as I love on them.

We love because He first loved us. I allow God to fill my heart, so I can spill over and splash on them. If I am close in relationship with God, getting him to splash on me, I can pass that on, and they wilkl
and see

His love in me..... and grow to practice it.

Today Abba, help me to pass it on. Fill me up so I can spill out.

2 Things Others Said:

crispy said...

Thanks for the encouragement.

Girl can Knit - Cherry Lane Knit Stamp Quilt said...

Love Wes Terasaki songs...great job!