Wednesday, May 20, 2009

How quickly.....

Today was the end of school picnic for Nick's class. Tomorrow the school is going ice skating...the last day of school.
I am so cognizant today of how quickly these little ones grow. From diapers to board books, to baseball and gameboys...
Soule Mama was blogging today about the little notes all over her house, and how one day, they won't be there....
My heart stop the clock, but more than that, to stop myself. To realize that time is going by, they are growing up and not to miss this moment.
I read on someone blog yesterday a phrase, I am sure I will misquote it, that a momma.......I do not have to be perfect, but I need to be present.
I know how many times I am checked out in my own thoughts or doing those things I think I NEED to do...and I miss a moment of joy and realness.
Today I am aware of that. ...Keep me aware, Abba. Help me to realize what is important.
”This is our predicament. Over and over again, we lose sight of what is important and what isn’t." Epictetus

1 Things Others Said:

Rebecca said...

I love that quote about not being perfect but being present! I'm going to snatch that for my own blog!