Monday, August 17, 2009

1000 blessing after another....

I got the idea from Ann, here and here...especially seeing her daughter start a numbered list of gifts from God. (I must tell Nick about this...he will be all over it! Taddy too!)

I was struck last night and this morning by John 1:16:

From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another.

growing in the fullness of God's grace...I do not want to have blind eyes to his blessings all around me. His daily "kisses". His way of showing he loves me. The whole earth is full of God's glory, of little "godbits", manifestations of Him, his handprints everywhere in our lives. He loves and he shows it. Open my eyes and heart to see it. How highly favored we are.

I too often look at the challenges, or dismal situations, attitudes, or state of my imperfections, rather than focus on the relationship with my Jesus and his demonstrative love. None of the junk daunts him, why let it capture my eye lense?

Reading about Ann's changes when she started listing the gifts God gives her, how it opened her eyes to the goodness of God all around her, and turned her heart to joy, my heart responded to that chord. Joy in the middle of all of it, by seeing God all around. So today, I am starting my 1000 blessings list.... one blessing after another, and from time to time I will share some snippets from my list.

Want to join in too?

Snippet from today's list:

1. My three children dressed in their uniforms, smiling faces, eagerly walking across the school parking lot.

2. First day of school

3. other women -'sisters' - passionate about Jesus and family.

4. my 'job' - through which God provides finanical blessings to my family.

5. lunchtime with a book, journal and pen

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