Friday, October 09, 2009

18 Thousand Dollars

Photo June 2006, Train to Qing Dao, China

18 Thousand dollars. $$$ What could you do with 18 thousand dollars (after taxes) EACH year? $$$

-buy a new car every other year.
-take a killer vacation each year, or two.
-fund someone else's (or your own) adoption each year
-buy lots of stuff
-redecorate or remodel
-wear cool clothes and new boots
-spend money on your hobby
-go back to college

~ ~ ~ ~

Today I sat in the Friday morning chapel service at my children's school. My son Nick was getting a "student of the week" award for the 6th grade class and I came to smile and thumbs-up. :) More than that happened.

The children are learning, memorizing through song, the books of the old testament. And the 1st through 6th graders, each, had a box with one or two of the books of the bible written on it, like a block or present. And they lined up around the walls of the room and as we sang, they each held up their book-box when we got to it. My heart swelled and I got tears in my eyes. Silly momma.

A couple songs later, they were doing sign language to the song {words} "in my heart Lord, be glorified, be glorified...." (then).."in my school, Lord, be my home Lord, be glorified.." My heart swelled and I got tears as I watched 'gotta-be-cool' 6th grade boys do sign language and sing "Be glorified, in me" with enthusiasm. Silly momma.

And I am blessed. That God has blessed me with the provision to have all three (soon four) of my children in a private Christian school. A school where the legacy and importance of the the Bible, knowing the books of the Bible, is taught and celebrated. A school where teachers sign hymns and teach student the sign language to glorifying God. A school where prayer is threaded through the whole day.

I do not take it for granted. I know I could so easily NOT have the funds it would take to send my children to a Christian school. But I am so grateful and blessed that He has provided the 18 thousand a year to have my children taught in such an environment.

Thank you Lord.

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