A handwritten newspaper by Nicholas. Oct 2, 2009
{Made me laugh out loud, so I had to share}
Around the Campus
Seventh grader's $1 Donut sale skyrockets.
Mr. Eirhart clearly proves the theory that "cameras to men are like babies to women."
Three-way basketball game and sin injured ankle for Micah Alley. "Austin pushed me" was his quote and the first question Mrs. Cosentino asked was, "Was it on purpose?"
Some kids disapprove of new "Blackout" game and want wall-ball back.
In the Classroom.
5th and 6th grade book project due today along with personal narrative, and compare/contrast narrative. So many tests are given, they had to present spelling test on Thursday.
1st and 2nd grade celebrates alphabet day. Mrs. A., their teacher, doesn't know what her favorite letter is, so she wears them all.
7th and 8th grade is having crazy hair/hat day.
Editor's Note: Chaos!
The lunchroom is becoming almost unbearable! There's too much shouting, microwave experiments and small food battles. We are getting reports from Hannah S, Hannah T. and Alyssa that some anonymous kid has zombie tostito wrestling matches, corn dog clothing advertisements and even had the nerve to....to......TO.... BUTCHER APPLES !!!! Please, if anyone knows who he is, we would like to know his name, address and where he hangs out at at recess. For more info please contact the 5th and 6th grade classroom.
Nick, Editor-in-Chief
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