Monday, April 05, 2010


I can hear the rain drip outside my bedroom window tonight. I thought earlier today, looking at the gray Easter sky, how different would our moods be if it was bright and sunny today?
I can hear the muffled breathing of my boys, sleeping in the living room, of my daughter in the room next door, of my puppy on the bed.
things go bump in my mind late at night.... hard, scary, unknown, perplexing things...
I try to turn my worries to prayer.... I try to reassure myself with what I believe.....
God is who He says He is...and is doing what He says He is doing....
Some of God's doings (allowings) are bumpy, hard and scary.... from our perspective...
Yet, due to what we celebrate today, due to a risen, resurrected Lord, who gives eternal life to those who believe, who is at this very minute preparing a place for us and will come again for us, who has conquered the fear of death.... due to Him who loves us with compassion, who weeps with us over our fears, who knows how hard it is to be us...
Due to Him....there is Hope. I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, Plans for a hope and a future.
We walk through valleys, and He is with us.... I am reading, thanks to a sweet friend Nancy, a book on resting in God, on living a simple life with Him (I long for that so).... on being still and knowing He is God and resting, trusting in that fact. That He not only loves us but has the power to do something about EVERYTHING and does it, according to His love.....yes, in ways we do not understand...His ways are so much higher than our ways....
But, someone to trust in....
The Lord, God, Jehovah, Creator of the universe, Sacrificial lamb himself, comfortor, indwelling Holy Spirit, is our shepherd. We are His little sheep. Narrow is the path and few there are that find it. We know His voice and follow him....and we will not lack what He knows we need. .. He leads us by still waters, refreshing our soul, He gives us rest in green pastures....letting us lay our weary load down.... He ministers to our broken, hurting souls and heals, restores us...
He leads us on, that narrow road, the one in which we are in right standing with God, due to His sacrifice and our acceptance, belief in it, we are His, for the sake of His very good name, He promises to lead us... Even though the road is dark and hard, so shadowy we cannot understand or see why THIS would be His will, we do not have to fear, He protects us, He is there with us, He comforts us with his guidance and protection. Nothing catches him by surprize or off-guard. He celebrates us, annoints us with His Spirit, honors us at a table prepare for us, allowing us to feast on what is best in life....Him...He is our portion and our cup....
He shows who we are, His sheep, protected by Him, throwing it in the face of our enemy who would like us to fear and worry and be dragged down. He fills our cup to overflowing....with Himself. His goodness that is all the time working in our behalf and his mercy that understands and forgives our weaknesses, our tendencies our stumblings...are with us ever moment of our lives.... and when this journey is done, we will dwell in the most excellent place He is at this moment preparing for us..... a place and life, beyond our imaginings....
That is what we celebrate today. Our shepherd.....

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