Monday, March 23, 2009

Big things, little things and all things in between

It is Motivate Me Monday on "Like a Warm Cup of Coffee" , so I thought I would share what motives me today...
That God cares about and is all into the BIG stuff, the little stuff and all the in between stuff. In my life, in yours, in my families and friends, in the world.
He has no limits, no challenges with focus or details or grand sweeping strategies. From my son's spelling bee, my little meeting stresses, Mary's green star desires {she gets green stars at school on days that went well} to paperwork and court delays in Ethiopia, to the Kingdom calendar and bringing His will to completion here on earth.
He is about all of it, working, orchestrating....and unlike our minds, that can not multi-focus well, He gives us individual, personal, loving attention all the time. A breath away is my recognition of that and the ushering in of His presence and attention.
No longer do I have to worry about this prayer being too small, or insignificant to bother Him, or too big and overwhelming to ask and expect a difference. It all fits into His hands and heart.

And that is what motivates me today.
I had a milestone on a project that I have struggled and stressed over for weeks. Only in the last few days, did I apply prayer, realizing this too, don't compartmentalize out God from my work tasks too. I am grateful He cares, even about my work and applying the knowledge and talents he has given me to make a difference there too.
Hugs Abba. Thank you for caring about all of it.
Head on over to Like a Warm Cup of Coffee and find out what else is motivating folks.

1 Things Others Said:

MamaHen Em said...

I had a friend ask for prayer once about something seemingly small, almost apologetically because so many others have bigger issues. It's such a gentle and wonderful reminder that God DOES care about everything - even when we don't think it's big enough. He ALREADY knows!